Stumper Detail

Date: Monday, January 1, 2001 
Question/Topic: OK - origin 
Answer/Pointer: Q. What does OK stand for? A. This word for everything being all right goes back to two meanings. In 1839, some people jokingly were writing "oll korrect" or "orl korrect," a silly way to write "all correct" according to how those words sounded. Shortening that more led to the initials "OK." OK became more popular when it was used in print in 1840 in a much diffferent way. It was used in the presidential election as an abbreviation for the nickname "Old Kinderhook" of President Martin Van Buren. Supporters began using "OK" as a slogan or phrase of support for him. Source: undocumented newspaper clipping. 
Librarian: LCLCPL 

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